Avagard CHG Hand Antiseptic
500 ml.
3M™ Avagard Surgical Hand Antiseptic (Chlorhexidine Gluconate 1% Solution and Ethyl Alcohol 61% w/w) with Moisturizers, 9200C combines alcohol for rapid kill, Chlorhexidine Gluconate for persistance, plus, emollients for skin conditioning. This waterless, instant hand antiseptic is designed for healthcare personnel use when caring for high risk patients (2 mL application) and as a surgical hand antiseptic prior to surgery (6 mL application.)
Combines 2 active ingredients plus a lotion for effective antimicrobial activity and skin conditioning
Provides excellent skin conditioning
Persistent antimicrobial protection*
Meets or exceeds the standards for surgical scrub at all time points*
*Reference: Data on file (LIMS 7838, 7957)
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